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Performing Arts for babies, toddlers and young children in a fuss-friendly



  • live shows

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  • education


Upcoming Events & Classes


What's On?

Enchanting, original year round performance featuring professional dancers and actors. Our short shows, interactive playtime and fuss friendly atmosphere is perfect for families with children 0-6 yrs (and our seniors love it too!) Click more info to see what shows are playing.

Baby Bees - Big Buggy World

Educator Hub

Introducing Bach Tots Academy - an online hub, resource centre and community designed just for early learning educators & caregivers. The hub features easy-to-implement foundational practice of simple creative movement, music and dance principles. 

Live shows just for kids 0-6 years old. Short, interactive, fuss-friendly

Bach Tots Academy

Become a member of our new online hub for educators!

Bach Tots Academy_Yellow Shield_PNG.png
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We thorough enjoyed your performance today [Planet of the Senses]!! Fantastic energy, interaction with the kids, playfulness and storytelling.

Colleen - Parent / Calgary 

"You know your audience! A short, colorful dance show with a basic story line and an interactive piece is exactly perfect for toddlers.The performers handled the crowd of children very well. They had their attention for quite some time. Well done!"

Neil LeGrandeur/Presenter Noisy Theatre / City of St. Albert

"Great at keeping the children's attention and love the interaction at the end, involving the children."

Golden Prairie Parent Link Staff

“I love that there are shows like this out there that are geared to their attention spans and that are interactive”

Facebook User "Live it All"

Bach Tots is a non-profit company. Phone: +1.587.715.2001 /

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